Social media has become one of the most important tools for a business to connect with their customers. Producing quality content often has become a really important factor in marketing your business or service. It’s difficult to strike a balance between posting frequency and quality. In this post we want to look into how often you should post video content and why posting frequency matters to help you grow.

How Often Should You Post?

For social media and online content there are a large number of channels that need to be posted in order to fuel growth. Each social media has different metrics that it judges you on, frequency is one of the key factors that affect how much growth there will be. For example Tiktok requires consistent regular posting in order for you to boost your content. Youtube tends to require less frequency as the content is longer form and prioritises content quality and watch time over frequency.

Social Media Video Content Editing

Does Quality Matter?

The quality of information and production you offer is a big factor in keeping people engaged and coming back to your channel or page. If your frequency is high but your quality is low it will eventually lead viewers to dislike your channel and they’ll be encouraged to unfollow. The perfect balance is informative quality content that is posted consistently throughout the week. Don’t feel tempted to post multiple time in one day, spread that content out over the week to keep people engaged but not overwhelmed.

Which Platform Needs Posting On The Most?

Short-form platforms (e.g. TikTok) tend to require more frequent posting as the content is often short lived. Long-form content platforms (e.g. YouTube) require less frequent posting as the bias tends towards quality over quantity.

If you’re interested in commercial or corporate video production please get in touch!

Here’s an example of a video we’ve made before.