Storytelling through the edit

How Storytelling In Video Effects Viewer Engagement

Telling a compelling story should always be at the forefront of mind for any effective video brief. It’s an important tool to keep viewers engaged and will make the video more memorable once they’ve watched it.

Opening Sequence + Title


At the beginning of the video you need to hook people in with a strong opening sequence. It’s common in commercial video to start with a logo or branded page, as peoples attention spans becoming a shorter and shorter, an engaging opening shot is a much more effective way to grab someone attention. If the opening shot creates a strong first impression the viewer of the content will be far more likely to stay and learn more about what you’re offering.


Tell the story

Storytelling within video is a really effective way to present the service or product you are trying to sell. Understanding the way something is made or how a company was built made is far more interesting than a random montage without a structure. If you’re a brand you should always be looking to build a deeper connection with the viewer and telling the story of what you do is far more relatable and will allow you to establish trust and interest with your audience. 

If you’re building a longer video it’s important to film and edit in sequences. Instead of a recording one straight forward action always attempt to create a beginning, middle and end. You can then combine these sequences into one long form narrative. The example below shows how we have created a story that delivers a message whilst still delivering the brief. The approach could have been to simply bring awareness to water safety but instead we built a storyline that brings an emotional element to really try and connect with the viewer.



At Holler, we’ve got over 10 years of experience in crafting compelling stories to get your message heard. If you’re interested in making a commercial video please get in touch.