Today, marketers are familiar with the power of storytelling for effectively communicating and connecting with the consumers. Consequently, present day marketer is more focused on delivering content that is meaningful and interesting for the consumers, as well as, being informative.

In this respect, online marketing videos have greatly facilitated the presentation of information and content to the consumers in a more convincing and influential manner. Marketing videos are now considered as one of the fundamental and most effective tools of digital marketing, which may be of particular help in storytelling. Hence, marketing videos are now widely used as a marketing and promotional tool for attracting the consumers’ attention and to keep them engaged. Online video marketing does not only enhance storytelling and help marketers keep the marketing content brief and interesting, but these also generate tangible results that the marketers can easily assess and scale.

It has become extremely important for marketers to employ tools and execute strategies that are focused on grabbing the consumers’ attention, considering the increasing tendency of online research before availing a product or service, among various consumer circles. Marketers and businesses need to stand out among their competition and to proficiently convey interesting and informative content to their target consumers and keep them engaged.

Today, online video marketing has not only proven its worth for conveying information to the consumers, but it is also believed to be useful for generating and increasing sales.

Though, marketing videos have been extensively used on websites and online platforms to facilitate marketing and promotion, but as businesses have begun to realise the effectiveness of online video marketing, it is expected that marketing videos are soon to become a core element of marketing strategies for most of the businesses.

This article sheds light on the evolving role of online video marketing in 2015, and the following points provide an insight into the future.

Growing Importance of Video Analytics

Though, most of the businesses acknowledge the fact that marketing videos have been more effective than other marketing tools for sales and leads generation, very few have explored the full potential of online video marketing. Video analytics, as a result of online video marketing, can prove to be useful for gaining insights in to consumer behaviour and preferences and for enhancing lead qualification.

As online video marketing is gaining more importance over time, it is suggested that businesses and marketers may rely on it to collect video analytics and convert the available data into tangible and scalable results.

Role of Marketing Videos to Extend beyond Promotion

Marketing videos have emerged as one of the most dominant forces of online and digital marketing, with the growing inclination of consumers towards visual content rather than written text. Hence, serving as an influential tool, marketing videos are to take the centre stage in digital marketing and their role is expected to extend beyond promotion. Online video marketing is now believed to be one of the most influential forms of call to action in the fields of online and digital marketing.

To find out how you can make online video marketing work for you, get in touch with the Holler team on 020 7112 8665 or email

Like what you see? Read our previous blog which looks at The Ideal Length for Your Corporate Video Production