YouTube is an incredible force when it comes to video and video marketing, it boast over a billion users and they generate billions of views every day. It’s not only the current numbers that are impressive, they constantly seem to be growing and increasing. Last year Google claimed that the total YouTube watch time had increased 60% year on year, which is the fastest growth rate they’ve experienced in two years. I could go on and on about the mind boggling stats YouTube boasts, however it isn’t the only platform you should use when it comes to your video marketing strategy. Here’s some other vital places you should be posting your video:



FaVideo Marketingcebook is a vital part to any video marketing campaign. Worldwide, Facebook has 2.7 billion monthly active users, which is a huge amount of people, and having a platform to share your video with even just 1% of those people is an opportunity your company can’t afford to miss. Just one of the benefits is that Facebook has the ‘Autoplay’ feature, meaning that views are going to sky rocket. The key to having a successful Facebook campaign is to either; make the opening 5 seconds impactful, bold and just pure amazing OR have some seriously good copy to entice the viewer to watch. The importance of using Facebook and YouTube separately is huge though, make sure to upload the video to Facebook rather than sharing a YouTube link, this way you’ll be able to utilise the autoplay feature.


Video MarketingOne of the main advantages of Vimeo is that you don’t have to worry about any advertising, the site doesn’t run any adverts alongside or on the videos. There’s a better chance of the viewer actually watching your video all the way through knowing they won’t be interrupted by an add, or have to suffer watching one even before they get to your video. Vimeo will attract a different kind of audience, the style and quality of video is generally a lot high in production than, say, YouTube, where everyone and anyone upload everything. When you land on the Vimeo homepage you’re blessed with some incredible videos, hand picked by the staff calling these videos ‘staff picks’.


Video MarketingAgain, the numbers speak for themselves. Twitter has around 284m active users of which about 80% are using there mobile. So if you’re going to post your video on Twitter be mindful that viewers will be watching on their mobile and might be just checking the feed quickly – keep the video short or have a shorter version for Twitter.


Depending on what style of video you’re creating, may be dependant on where you post your video but your website should always house your video is some form. You put time, effort and money into producing the video so you want to show it off. If people find you on social media, the next place they’ll more than likely visit is your website so it’s just as important to have good content. If it’s an overview video, make sure it’s on the homepage somewhere, if it’s a testimonial put it on the clients page. Not only will video give you further good content for SEO, but it’s visual.


Having a company blog is hugely beneficial, especially if you can fill that blog with great content. If you’ve produced a video you want to shout about it, and if the process was enjoyable or you took some behind the scenes snaps, you should be shouting about it and writing a blog is great way to do that. Not only does it let your customers and clients see a different side to the company, it’s also something shareable.

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