Video is such an integral part of life that not having a corporate video is marketing suicide. There’s so much that can be done with a video, and so many stories to be told, the question is, why wouldn’t you want to produce an amazing corporate video?

But what’s the difference between an amazing corporate video, and a good corporate video? In our experience, it’s all down to the idea. Ok, if you’re filming outside and you’re lucky enough to have one of the 10 sunny days Britain actually gets, that will help. But having a great idea, and execution, will produce an amazing corporate video.

One of the keys things when thinking up an idea for a video is to not think too literally, think metaphorically. Think of your video as an advert rather than just telling people things, imagine things visually rather than on paper. Amazing corporate videos don’t have to be dull, as long as you get the message across you can be as creative as you like, capture the viewer’s imagination.

Here’s what you need to keep in mind when creating amazing corporate video that will get your audience’s attention and stay in their minds.

Identify and refine who the audience is

It’s not everybody who wants every service or offer that is available. There is usually a niche market that each corporation or business needs to appeal to. Your message needs to be crafted for your audience so that it addresses their particular concerns.

Make an emotional connection

Any good marketing connects to the emotions. Although it may seem as though our conscious mind is calling all the shots when it comes to purchasing decisions, it’s actually our sub-conscious mind who is in control. Almost all purchase decision are emotional decisions. People like stories, although you may have a washing powder that cleans 27% more than that of the competition, the fact that the local football team clean their kit with it is something that people will like and will remember. Facts and figures appear a lot in most corporate videos, but these aren’t the ones that are remembered as they don’t offer anything to connect to. People connect best to people, not hard and cold statistics, although statistics can help to deliver proof and therefore credibility.

Show people why

The amazing corporate video doesn’t have its top marketing tool position for any other reason than because it makes it possible to thoroughly inform and demonstrate what the benefits are of a product. Video conveys a great deal of information quickly including how to use a product to its best advantage.

Keep with the customer

Although you may have your own ideas about what you want to tell the viewer, the only thing they are really concerned about is how your product relates to them in terms of benefits. How will it solve their problems? The most amazing corporate videos are created by those who put on the shoes of their customers, look at what they are concerned about and care about and develop their corporate video production based on that information. Give them something to connect to in the video, something that they can relate to and see part of themselves in and you will be onto a winner.

Share your beliefs

Accountability and transparency are key these days. It used to be fine to come up with new products and not provide any information about the values of a business, but now people want to know and it’s expected. Communicate your core values and beliefs and you’ll be able to reach out and touch viewers.

If you’re looking for an amazing corporate video for your business, contact us today and we can work with you to deliver something outstanding and memorable that gets your message across.