Short, sweet and gripping. Most compelling corporate videos have these three things in common. If you have a clear idea what your audience want to see and you’re focused on providing something that may be informative but also entertaining, you have the key components for making something engaging and that will live long in the memory.

The last thing you want is a corporate video that no one cares about.

Most of us don’t have the skills of a Hollywood director but that doesn’t mean we can’t make a video that hits the mark. You have all the tools you need nowadays to do just that and becoming competent only takes a little extra work, thought and imagination. In order to produce a compelling corporate video, you will want to try and bring some personality to the project.


Think about that first shot


It’s easy enough to switch off after 10 seconds if you’re not grabbed early on. People do it every day when they click skip on YouTube. If you don’t grab their attention quick, the likelihood is that your audience will dump your video pretty quickly. Make sure to get some impressive footage up front of the video, grab the viewer and make them want to watch on. It’s one reason why you need to know your audience well – find what fires them up and use that emotion right at the start.


Keep it short, get to the point


Your corporate video doesn’t need to explain everything and you’ll find it difficult to keep the audience’s attention if you try to. Besides, if you give your client all the information in the video you’ll have nothing to talk about afterwards, or any questions for them to ask. People’s attention spans are getting shorter, as is the time we have to spend on certain things. The purpose of a compelling corporate video is to get your audience excited and wanting to know more. That’s all you need your video to do – be impressive and bold but be short.


Think about your story


What do you want the video to do? Who are you targeting? What’s the takeaway message? These are some questions to ask yourself before getting in touch with a video production company. Once you’re clear on the story you’ll have a better idea on what you need to include. Even in a short promotional video there’s a narrative. Check out some of the best corporate video offerings out there on the internet right now and you’ll see the same thing. They tell a story, quickly and expertly, and that is a major part of what engages the audience.


Leave them wanting more


Compelling corporate videoYes, this links in with keeping your video short and to the point. If the viewer wants to know more after watching your video, you’ve done a good job. If you’ve over stated the case, bored the audience to tears and they can’t be bothered to click on your link or search for your website then it’s time to rethink that corporate video strategy. It’s a fine line between saying just enough and too much – most businesses don’t get it right first time.

A compelling corporate video can enhance your brand reputation, pique interest and send people flocking to your website or picking up the phone to call your service team. If you want something with impact, then follow our simple points above – you will be surprised at the effect they have on your production and the final results.