JULY, 2016

By Matt Smith, Exec Producer

Top 5

As corporate video makers, we’re lucky to work in an industry that’s changing fast. And one of the fastest areas of change is in video editing/post-production.  In the last five years alone, things have radically changed in terms of tech, software and edit style.  

At Holler, we want to keep ahead of the curve, so here are five people we think are the experts and the pioneers. The guys who help us see the direction things are heading in.


“The world of video editing is changing fast. These five inspire us.”

Peter Wiggins: Editor & FCPX Blogger
fcp.co | @peterwiggins

We’ve been using Apple’s Final Cut Pro X since it was given a very troublesome birth a few years ago. It totally moves in the direction we do – it’s geared for fast, creative editing, using multi-formats and gets better with every update. The eco-system of creative plugins is a big selling point too. BBC and freelance broadcast editor Peter Wiggins saw the potential from an early stage too and adapted his Final Cut Pro blog to reflect the change to X. He’s a passionate supporter of what people are doing with the software and his site is THE go-to blog for editors using FCPX.

Emery Wells, Post-Production Pioneer
frame.io | @emerywells

Getting clients to review videos is a big part of our world. But it can be a challenging task as clients and editors don’t always talk the same language. Emery Wells saw this too and helped create frame.io, an online review app that lets you add comments at exactly the shot you are talking about. There are a few similar apps but what caught our eye was the FCPX companion app. Now we can upload directly from X to Frame with one click. At the end of a long edit day, that’s a great thing. It’s early days for Frame (and admittedly not our all corporate clients “get it”) but it has a lot of promise, works great and looks fab.

Larry Jordan, Editing Expert
larryjordan.biz | @larryjordanfcp

As an editor, it’s easy to get into a rut with the way you cut. You also run into day-to-day problems that you need help with. Well, thankfully Larry Jordan’s around to help. His tips and tricks on how to sort out issues and be more creative with things like colour grading are really useful. Hats off for his FCPX training courses too.

Soho Editors, Edit Training
sohoeditors.com | @sohoeditors

Another set of guys who’ve given us inspiration are the talented team at Soho Editors. We’ve benefitted from some of their training on FCPX and Motion. Catch them at BVE every year, their demos are defo worth booking into.

Thomas Grove Carter, Editor
trimediting.com | @thomasgcarter

Another inspirational FCPX editor is Thomas Grove Carter. One of the in-house team at Trim Editing, he’s using X to cut high end commercials and making a damn good job of it. Plus, he’s happy to dish out advice and show his tips and tricks. His open attitude feeds well into the new community of FCPX editors (that you’ll find @ fcp.co) and is a refreshing difference to editors of the past!  

“Final Cut Pro X has made our editing faster and more creative”