Video production is a powerful tool for businesses of all sizes. It can be used to capture attention, showcase products or services, and create an emotional connection with the viewer. Businesses can not only create high-quality videos, but also save money, time, and resources. Retained video production is a cost-effective way to produce multiple videos, ensuring that each one is of the highest quality.

What is retained video production?

Retained video production is a service in which an agency or production company agrees to produce multiple videos for one price, regardless of the length or final cost of the project. The client retains the rights to the video content and can use them in any way they choose, whenever they choose. Retainers differs from a one-off project in that the client has a set budget for the entire production. This means you know the exact cost of the project before it begins, meaning no surprises. Retained video production can come in handy if you want to create multiple videos but either don’t have the budget for each one or don’t have the time to manage each one. This can be beneficial for businesses in many ways, including saving money, reducing stress, and increasing ROI.

Benefits of using retained video production

There are many benefits associated with retained video production, including increased brand awareness, more effective marketing campaigns, and improved sales. With the right strategy, retained video production can help increase sales by as much as 80%. Retention rate is defined as the percentage of customers who view a video and then watch it all the way to the end. A video with a high retention rate is more effective, as it keeps viewers engaged throughout the entire video. Retained video production can help increase the retention rate as each video is specifically tailored to the audience, which results in happier customers. Retained video production can also help increase brand awareness, as each video has the potential to reach millions of people. Videos can be shared across social media platforms, which can help your business reach a global audience.

Creating a retained video production strategy

A retained video production strategy is critical when planning a retained video production project. It will outline the needs of your business, the goals you want to achieve, and the type of video you want to create. Retained video production can be used to create a wide range of video types, such as product demonstration videos, animated explainer videos, corporate training videos, and more. When creating your retained video production strategy, keep in mind what type of videos will best meet the needs of your business. Then, identify the goals you want to achieve through each video, such as increasing conversion, generating leads, and increasing retention. Finally, you can use these goals to help you choose which video type would be best for your business.

Cost-saving tips

By using retained video production, you can reduce the costs associated with each video by up to 50%.

There are many ways you can save money with retained video production, including negotiating a lower rate, using a proven script, and requesting a retainer. Negotiate a lower rate – video production agencies will typically offer a lower rate than one-off projects. This is because they will be able to reuse the video multiple times. Using a proven script – If you already have a script that has been proven to be effective, you can use it for your retained video production. This will help save time and money as the script has already been optimized for the best performance. Request a retainer – If you have an important event coming up, such as a product launch, you can request to be billed at the end of the event. This means you won’t need to pay upfront.

Best practices for retained video production

– Research your target audience – Before creating any video, you need to do your research. This will help you determine what type of video is best for your business and your target audience. – Create a script – Creating a script for each video will ensure you include everything you want to say. Plus, it will help you stay on track. – Create a storyboard – A storyboard will help you organize your ideas, determine the best sequence for the video, and make sure nothing important is left out. – Use compelling visuals – Visuals are a powerful tool for businesses. They help create an emotional connection with the viewer and strengthen the message. – Record the video – Once your video has been finalized, it’s time to record it. This can be a time-consuming process, so it is best to do it first.

Leveraging technology

Technology has changed the video production process, making it easier than ever before to create videos. Using the right technology can help improve efficiency, while also saving time and money. Use a video creation tool. There are many video creation tools that can be used to develop and produce a video. This can save time and money by eliminating the need to hire a video production team. – Use a video marketing platform – A video marketing platform can help you distribute your video to the right people, at the right time. Helping increase your reach and drive more conversions. Use a video transcription service. A video transcription service can help you create a written version of your video. This can be beneficial for those who can’t watch videos. It can also be used to create subtitles for videos that will be distributed on different social media platforms.

Tips for creating high-quality videos

– Use high-quality equipment – This will ensure your video is of the highest quality. Plus, it will help you keep your viewers engaged. The location of your video can have a big impact on its success. Select a location that is inviting, interesting, and relevant to your business. Choosing the right talent for your video is just as important as selecting the right location. Great talent will help create a compelling video that connects with your viewers.

Measuring the performance of video production

Before creating a video, you should first determine what you want to measure. There are many different metrics you can use to measure video performance. These include: – Total views – This can be the total number of views each video received. – Retention rate – This is the percentage of viewers who watched the video to the end. – Conversion rate – This is the rate at which your video has helped generate sales for your business. – Social media engagement – This is how many likes, shares, and comments your video has received on social media. – Website traffic – This is how many people have visited your website after watching your video. – Cost per view – This is how much you have paid for each view.



Video production is a powerful tool for businesses of all sizes. It can be used to capture the attention of potential customers, showcase products, and create an emotional connection. Businesses can not only create high-quality videos, but also save money, time, and resources. Retained video production is a cost-effective way to produce multiple videos, ensuring that each one is of the highest quality. Businesses can use retained video production to increase brand awareness, engage with their target audience, and ultimately drive business growth.

Got questions about video retainers or retainer packages? Please get in touch, we’d be happy to help.